Thursday, July 5, 2007

Tawur Agung

Tawur Agung
A ritual ceremony at Prambanan Temple

Tawur Agung is a spiritual attempt at maintaining the balance of nature. the ceremony is held to purify the earth and return it to its state of harmony. The harmony between the Bhuwana Alit (micro cosmos) and Bhuwana Agung (macro cosmos).
Tawur Agung (literally means grand repayment) is a ritual series aimed as a process toward soul purification for the Hindus. The ceremony is held a day before Hari Raya Nyepi (the day of silence).

In the Caka new year day, Hindus across the country commemorating Seclusion Day. They honored tapa brata, a day of no activity except for religious discussions.

The Caka year begins on the day after the new moon that ends the ninth month - almost always in March. The first day of the tenth month is New Year's day, called Nyepi. The day before Nyepi, that of the new moon of the ninth month, is the day for exorcism, while Nyepi is a day of silence, for meditation and prayer.

The purpose of Nyepi is that the New Year should begin with nothingness as it is believed that all existence originated from nothing. It is the time for mediation, for tapa brata (strict self control). During Nyepi four rules are practiced: brata amati geni (no fire or light), amati karya (no work), amati lelungan (no movement) and amati lelangan (no desire).

Tawur Agung - or also known as Tawur Kesanga - rituals are performed at idday when the sun has reached its zenith, it is led by an Ida Pedhanda (Hindu priest). Incense fills the air and the reciting of the wedas are accompanied by the tinkling of bells. As the congregation sits quietly, the gamelan turns out solemn beats in keeping with the occasion.

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